Refurbish the Plumes on Our Birds

Refurbish the plumes on our bird

October 2, 2014PhilosophyRational ExistenceReligioncompx2

The prize is spirit, however you define spirit.  We all have different memories, understandings, agendas and influences, but we recognize spirit as referring to the highest, best, and brightest of our aspirations.  We all need more of the spirit in our lives.

Keep your eyes on the prize, keep motivated, get encouraged, encourage others,.  Listen when there is good advice at hand, listen to the spirit, listen to the aim and the purpose.  Rational Existence is the basis and value is the point.  Nothing we know is real, everything is a relationship, aspect or attribute of what is real.  Acceptance on that count will lead rationally to tolerance, understanding, and an aspiration to spirit.

Whatever has value to others give lives purpose existentially.  All of these ideas should be developed and circulated, they will be, but for now we have to make a living, be of value to ourselves and our families, and make a good life as many people as possible.  The more the better.  That is our value in this world.